Currently we have 15 intellectual property registrations in Colombia of which 9 are utility models and 6 are patents. This demonstrates part of our contribution to the development of the Colombian electricity sector.
Some of the projects that have been implemented or are in the process of development, are:
The embedded-post grounding project is a secure antifraud grounding system unified for concrete posts in medium and low voltage networks, low voltage and public lighting, through the design and construction of a SPT-embedded post. "Energaze", was transformed into a mobile application for customers to locate and report service failures, look up their invoices, and make them an active fundamental part of our development as a company. "Bogota Connected" is a tree-like structure that uses solar panels and which allows people to recharge their cell phones while accessing the internet for free through Wi-Fi.
In line with our Open Power vision, this year we decided to open the doors to innovation and to create new synergies and fresh strategic alliances with different agents around the market, as well as to share projects and ideas that strengthen us as we grow us together. We created the first virtual Hackathon of the Colombian Electricity Sector "RETO E", where we called on hardware and software developers to contribute ideas for energy efficiency within companies (MSMEs).