This is one of the fundamental axis of our work with communities. We develop projects that promote innovation and adaptation of new educational models, with the aim of training better teachers and students to develop more talent and enriched skills. In turn, we complement those processes with infrastructure projects that aim to raise the quality of education.
Local development:
Not all the communities we work in move at the same speed. Every "seed" we plant grows at its own pace, which is why we promote; we promote productive projects and training processes, which achieve the active participation of the members in each community, to strengthen their own knowledge, their own institutions and their own growth.
Access to electricity:
We want the energy we produce to reach those who need it most. We implement programs and projects for the development of technological infrastructures, lowering of economic barriers, technical training and awareness of energy efficiency and responsible use of energy, all aimed at guaranteeing access to a greater number of communities.


Management principles 

At the heart of the Enel Colombia Foundation, 5 fundamental management principles drive us to fulfill our objectives and do our best possible work for our own and our surrounding communities:

  1. Our management is based on the principle of corporate sustainability and its link with both the wider nation at large, and with the municipalities within the Enel Group companies’ areas of influence
  2. Our volunteer work is carried out in harmony with our principles of sustainability.
  3. We seek to establish alliances with local, national and international institutions, public and private, that share our objectives of promoting citizen-participation projects and processes that in turn enhance the impact of our management.
  4. Our management approach is aimed at empowering communities to lead sustainable processes of benefit to their territories.
  5. Our foundation’s work is integral and embraces social, education and cultural facets of Colombian society without replacing the central government and its essential role in its own society.


Scholarship bank for teen moms 

Our Foundation and the Juan Felipe Gómez Escobar Foundation have implemented, since 2013, the Technical Career Bank Program for adolescent mothers to boost opportunities for the development of low-income women and their children.

This program allows them to improve their working conditions by allowing them to offer technical training in occupational safety, as administrative assistant, in foreign trade, as accounting assistants, industrial processing and logistics processes.

The program has an integral component through which psycho-social monitoring and on-going support to mothers is a given to guarantee the completion of their studies and articulation for their entry into the world of work.


For a better country

In the last year, we have benefited more than 48,000 people throughout the country (more than 20,000 direct beneficiaries and more than 28,000 indirect), who improved their quality of life and that of their families, thanks to their active participation in our sustainable development programs and projects. Of these beneficiaries, 80% are children and young people; because we recognize in our youth the seed of a more just and prosperous society for all.

Through its programs and initiatives, The Enel Colombia Foundation is present in 4 departments around Colombia (La Guajira, Cundinamarca, Bolívar and Huila) and in 33 municipalities, where we have generated approximately 20,738 socio-economic development and education projects.