The General Assembly of Shareholders of Enel Colombia S.A E.S.P., in its ordinary session held on March 29, 2022, appointed KPMG S.A.S as Statutory Auditor of the company for the fiscal year 2022. Get to know the profile of the KPMG S.A.S teams that carries out the work of Enel Colombia's Statutory Auditor: 


Andrea Rodriguez Mur – Principal

Andrea Rodriguez Mur is a Public Accountant from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a specialization in International Financial Accounting from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Has extensive experience in statutory auditing and financial auditing with solid knowledge of auditing standards and internal control procedures. Has participated as a member of the audit team in several national and multinational clients of natural resources, manufacturing and services, among the most representative are: Cerro Matoso S.A., Ecopetrol S.A, LG Electronics Colombia Ltda, Hapag Lloyd Colombia Ltda, Diaco S.A., DDB Worldwide Colombia S.A, BBI Colombia S.A.S., Laboratorios Bussié S.A., Cirion Technologies Colombia S.A.S., Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. ESP and Sociedad Concesionaria Operadora Aeroportuaria Internacional S.A. - OPAIN S.A.

Edison Orlando Martin Tibatá – Alternate 

Edison Orlando Martin Tibatá is a Certified Public Accountant from the Universidad Libre de Colombia, with a specialization in Internal Control and Assurance Auditing from the Universidad Libre de Colombia. Has extensive experience in fiscal auditing and financial auditing with solid knowledge of auditing standards and internal control procedures. Has participated as a member of the audit team in several national and multinational clients in the industrial, commercial and services sector, among the most representative are: Codensa S.A. E.S.P., Organización Terpel S.A. and Prosegur Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada Ltda.

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