Transparency and integrity are essential in the development of long-term, trusting relationships with stakeholders, which is why Enel Colombia has an ethics and compliance program aimed at strengthening its ethical and professional commitment.
Enel Colombia actively oppose any form of corruption, direct or indirect, and the commission of unethical or illegal acts in any process of the value chain, place of operation, and with any third party.
Ethical code
The code of ethics guides the actions of the boards of directors, the Audit Committee and other control bodies, managers, employees and workers with occasional or temporary contractual relationships.
It consists of 16 principles that define the values of reference in the company, such as impartiality in decision-making, honesty, integrity, correct conduct in case of possible conflicts of interest, confidentiality of information, fair competition, among others.
Download Enel Colombia's Code of Ethics here.
Zero tolerance with corruption plan
Enel Colombia is committed to fighting corruption through the application of international transparency criteria, in compliance with the tenth principle of the Global Compact, according to which "companies commit themselves to fighting corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. "
The Zero Tolerance with Corruption Plan establishes a framework to address behaviors outside the Code of Ethics, and other behaviors including bribes; charities and sponsorships; favorable treatment and gifts; accommodations and expenses.
Download Zero Tolerance Plan to Corruption here.
Enel Global Compliance Program
The Enel Global Compliance Program (EGCP) has been conceived as a tool that reinforces the commitment of Enel-Codensa and Enel-Emgesa on the best ethical, legal and professional standards, in order to increase and defend the reputation of the Enel Group.
To this end, it defines a series of measures aimed at preventing the criminal liability of the Companies based on the main anticorruption compliance guidelines in the world, such as ISO 37001, FCPA in the USA and the UK Bribery Act.
Download Enel Global Compliance Program here.
Crime risk prevention model
Enel Colombia has a crime prevention model by means of which they cover the requirements related to the identification, prevention, detection and mitigation of risks of occurrence of unethical, non - transparent situations, lack of legislation or corruption on the part of their workers, suppliers, shareholders and actors in its value chain.
Download Enel Colombia's Crime risk prevention here.
Protocol of action in dealing with public officials, control entities and authorities
Anti-bribery Policy (Anti-bribery Management System ISO37001)
Download Anti-bribery Policy (Anti-bribery Management System ISO37001) here.
Gift and Hospitality Policy Grupo Enel in Colombia
Download Gift and Hospitality Policy Grupo Enel in Colombia here
Participation in external initiatives
Collective Action of the Electricity Sector for Ethics and Transparency
The Colombian electricity sector, aware of its importance for the development and economy of the country, and of its responsibility in providing an essential public service, has incorporated good practices of transparency and ethics, within the framework of the signing of a voluntary agreement in 2015. Enel Colombia are active members of the action and, together with the other members, actions have been taken to fulfill the commitments and the continuous advancement in the strengthening of good practices against corruption, competition and money laundering.
Learn more about this initiative Click here