Lawyer specialized in Commercial Law and Public Services Law. He has been linked to the electrical sector for 10 years, and currently serves as President of CODENSA; Held the position of Manager at the Energy Company of Bogota for 7 years, and was President of the National Association of Public Utilities Companies and Complementary and Inherent Activities – ANDESCO; the Colombian Committee of the World Energy Council; the Regional Energy Integration Commission – CIER; the Colombian Committee of the CIER; and was Ambassador of Colombia to the European Union in Brussels and Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia.


Boards of Directors to which it belongs:

  • Codensa S.A. ESP
  • Emgesa S.A. ESP
  • Enel Américas S.A ESP


Age Range:

Bearing 50 and 60 years.


Seniority as a Board Member of Codensa S.A. ESP:

Since March 27, 2008.



Currently does not register as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP).