Economist from Universidad de los Andes, with a master's degree in economics with a specialization in project evaluation from the same university, and a master's degree in administration and public policy with a specialization in economic development from Columbia University.


She has been a researcher at Fedesarrollo on taxation issues including tax structure, progressivity and evasion and education, as well as the labor market for teachers and regulation of higher education; Advisor to the Ministry of Transportation; External Advisor to the Directorate of Economic Studies; Director of Investment and Public Finance of the National Planning Department (2005-2006); General Director of the National Public Budget of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (2006-2009); Executive Vice-President of the Federation of Colombian Insurers (2010-2012); General Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (2013-2015); Senior Advisor for the Private Sector and Competitiveness of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia (2015-2018); Co-Director of the Bank of the Republic (July 2018- Sept 2021). 


Boards of Directors of which he/she is a member:

  • Enel Colombia S.A. ESP


Age Range:

  • Between 40 and 50 years old.


Seniority as member of the Board of Directors of Enel Colombia:

  • Since March 29, 2022.



  • Currently registered as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP).