The San Jose Electric Substation Modernization Project consists of the dismantling of the current infrastructure and the design, construction and commissioning of a new substation and transmission lines, increasing their capacity. The new substation will be encapsulated type GIS, which means that the main equipment will be inside control rooms and will not be visible to the public, thus improving the harmonization of the landscape. The Company’s total investment in the project will be COP $ 20 billion.
The new substation will have two 40-million-volt-ampere (MVA) transformers, totaling 80 MVA, two high-voltage circuits, and support, monitoring, safety and protection equipment and technology imported from various countries. In July 2020, the Company obtained the Environmental License for this project from the District Secretary for the Environment, hence construction works will begin in the second half of the year.
The San Jose Substation will be fully automated and remotely controlled, which will allow the Company's operation to respond better in times of contingency. The automation systems, as well as their power equipment, will be compliant with the highest international standards.
- Increased capacity and firm power of the infrastructure.
- Greater number of medium voltage circuits to meet the increasing and constant energy demand.
- Reconfiguration of current medium voltage circuits, avoiding overloads and minimizing fault probability.
- Better service quality indicators.
- Greater reliability and stability of the electrical system in downtown Bogota.
- Faster restoration of power service in the event of a contingency or fault, due to remote control capability.
- The latest technology equipment enables new substations to be remotely monitored and managed.
- Adaptation to the new challenges of the Colombian electricity sector.
- Development, growth and progress for Bogota.
- Planning.
- Design.
- Environmental Impact Study (EIA).
- Environmental Management Plan (PMA).
- Environmental Licensing: Current stage.
- Easement Management.
- Construction.
- Operation and maintenance.
The Modernization of the San Jose Substation will be developed in accordance with technical, environmental and social regulations, which allows harmonizing the project with the environment, thus guaranteeing its viability during the construction and operation stages through the environmental licensing process.
- The Mining and Energy Planning Unit - UPME delivered an opinion on technical and economic viability, approving the San Jose Electric Substation Modernization Project in December 2017.
- The planning, design and engineering studies were carried out in 2018.
- In 2019, the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) was conducted.
- In October 2019, Enel Colombia filed the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) with the District Secretary for the Environment (SDA), as the competent environmental authority, for the granting of the Environmental License.
- In July 2020, the Environmental License for this project was obtained from the District Secretary for the Environment (SDA).
- Construction works will begin during the second half of 2020.
- The commissioning and operation of the San Jose Substation will be in 2021.
The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) is a basic instrument for decision-making in projects, works or activities that require an Environmental License. It is prepared in order to know the current conditions and the characterization of the area of influence of the project (where it will be carried out), to establish the possible environmental and social impacts that may be generated, and how to adequately manage their prevention, mitigation, correction and/or compensation. With this study, Enel Colombia's objective is to always ensure respect for the environment, human health, coexistence and property in nearby areas.
The characterization of the territory in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the Modernization Project of the San Jose Electrical Substation and its associated transmission line, was carried out in 2019, using primary and secondary information sources, expressed through the field work and the delivery of information by local, regional and national entities and institutions, such as the Los Martires local Mayor’s office, the District Secretary for the Environment, Ministries, institutes and the inhabitants of the neighborhoods of influence.
According to the characterization of the biotic (flora and fauna), abiotic (soil, water and air) and socioeconomic environment, the Ricaurte, La Pepita, Voto Nacional, La Sabana and La Estanzuela neighborhoods were determined as the area of influence.
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) comprises the set of measures, actions and activities that Enel Colombia will carry out during the development of project works, as part of its commitment to the environment and the community. This is the product of the environmental and social evaluation carried out, and its objective is to avoid, prevent, mitigate, correct or compensate for the environmental and social impacts and effects that may be caused by the development of works and the project’s commissioning. These actions are gathered in the following programs:
Abiotic Component Programs: soil, water and air
These programs seek to minimize to the extent possible the effects that the project could have on the soil, water, air and landscape, preventing and controlling the loss of soil, as well as the proper disposal of construction waste, in order to avoid contamination of the nearby soil or water bodies.
Impact Management on soil resource:
- Classification and proper disposal of construction waste in authorized areas, complying with current environmental regulations.
- Build the substation’s drainage works according to designs.
- Cover sewer grates near construction sites.
- Delivery for usage of 100% of recyclable waste.
- Delivery of 100% of hazardous waste (solvent residues, paints, oils) to a manager authorized by the environmental authority.
Impact Management on water resource:
With the purpose of avoiding, mitigating or correcting possible effects on the soil and surface waters, this program aims to implement measures for the adequate management of liquid waste generated in the different phases of the construction and operation of the project.
- Construction of the infrastructure proposed in the designs for the management of oily waste from transformers.
- Temporary storage and proper disposal of all oily waste generated during the construction and operation stages.
Impact Management on air resource:
With the objective of minimizing the impact on the population, this program focuses on enforcing the limits established in the current environmental regulations, supervising the activities for the management and control of particulate material (dust), gas and noise emissions generated by the construction and operation of the Substation.
- Compliance with particulate material (dust) emission levels, with adequate coverage of waste while it is stockpiled, full tenting of dump trucks, speed control of vehicles that transport material, enclosure of work front, mechanical-technical check of vehicles, compliance with preventive maintenance.
- Sweeping of roads surrounding the project.
- Simulation of noise levels during the design stage.
- Noise monitoring upon project commissioning, to guarantee compliance with suitable levels according to environmental regulations.
- Compliance with RETIE (Technical Regulations for Electrical Installations) in terms of safety distances, width of easements and maximum levels of electromagnetic field emissions.
Biotic Component Programs: fauna and flora
Impact Mitigation on vegetation cover and fauna:
Implement management and control measures to properly carry out reforestation activities. Carry out actions for the management of animal species that may be affected by the activities during the development of the project.
- Project staff and the surrounding community will be trained on the importance of the fauna and flora of the area of influence.
- Flight diverting devices will be installed in the transmission line to avoid electrocution of bird species by collision.
Socio-economic Component Programs: people and communities
Education and participation program for personnel linked to the project:
This program seeks to train personnel linked to the project such as employees or contractors, through comprehensive training that disseminates and promotes compliance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
Community information and participation program:
This program aims to achieve the construction of relationships based on trust and mutual understanding with the stakeholders of the area of influence, through assertive and pedagogical communication strategies, which guarantee a climate of trust from the provision of clear, truthful and timely information, related to the impacts and management measures thereof, as well as the timely response to requests, complaints, claims and concerns from the community, establishing direct and permanent communication channels between the Enel Colombia social management team and the communities/authorities in the area.
Training, education and awareness program for the surrounding community:
Train and sensitize communities on issues such as safe and rational use of energy, electrical risk, rights and duties of users of public services.
Third party or infrastructure impact program:
It seeks to remedy any possible effects that may be generated on the road infrastructure during the construction phase, as a result of project activities in the Area of Direct Influence. For this, prior to the start of the works, a road inventory will be carried out with the community and local authorities, to guarantee that the roads to be used are delivered in the same condition.
Unskilled Personnel Hiring Program:
This program will benefit the population of the project's area of direct influence, generating temporary employment during the construction of the electrical substation and transmission lines, by hiring unskilled labor in accordance with the actual needs of the personnel required.
Learn about the licenses and permits required to develop the San Jose Substation Modernization Project in a timely and proper manner:
- Environmental License: the permit granted by the District Secretary for the Environment (SDA), for the execution of this project. The objective is to comply with the established requirements, in order to prevent, mitigate, correct and compensate the project’s environmental effects.
- Construction license: the construction license application will be filed before an Urban Curator.
The Enel Colombia Project Management methodology includes social impact management, relationship strategies, participation mechanisms and clear, timely and truthful communication with all stakeholders involved in the intervention, with the purpose of attending to requests, concerns, feedback and keeping the communities and authorities informed about the development of the project and its activities.
Likewise, there is a strategy for Shared Value Creation, the main objective of which is to work with the communities and local authorities in identifying the needs and interests of the sector so that actions are jointly established to fulfill them.
This is done throughout the entire project process, through initial, follow-up and completion meetings, informative letters, personalized invitations, phone calls and emails, posting of billboards in city halls, publication in newspapers and radio slots, personalized attention at the Mobile Customer Advisory Center, among others.
The project's participation mechanisms seek to implement clear and timely information and socialization processes with the authorities and communities in the area of influence. For this, we have different communication channels that allow us to know opinions and expectations, expand on information, and respond to concerns and suggestions of the different interest groups. Find out more!
- Operations Support Division: the area in charge of attending to the community’s requirements related to the project.
- Gloria Rincón:
- Whatsapp: 3183734076
- Virtual Meetings: Once the current situation is overcome, which limits social interactions to prevent the spread of COVID19, we will foster face-to-face meeting spaces that allow for closer and more direct encounters with the community.
To view the socialization video for the San Jose Substation Project, click here.