Selecting the Merchandise Group in which to collaborate is an essential requirement to be included in the list of Enel suppliers.
We have created a well-structured and rational list, available on the Global Procurement Portal, from which it is easy to select the Merchandise Group of interest to be included in the list of our suppliers.
The selection only requires three easy steps:
The first step consists in selecting one of the three large categories of interest:
- Goods and/or equipment supply
- Works
- Services
Goods may refer to anything from raw materials to equipment, including telecommunications and measurement instruments. Works can range from systems automation to hydraulic projects. Services can include various activities, from plant maintenance to waste disposal.
Each area has its own sub-categories, that help define the field of interest in further detail. The second step consists in identifying the merchandise sub-category within each large category.
The third and last step consists in selecting the Merchandise Group that identifies precisely the field of interest.