Many times we have asked ourselves, how does light reach our home? Where does the energy come from when I turn on the light switch in my room, or the power that allows my refrigerator to work? To answer this question, we must know that everything starts with energy generation, this happens in a place known as a power generation center, which may be hydroelectric or thermal.
Specifically, in a hydroelectric power station there is a place called a dam where river water is contained in order to make the water push harder when it passes through a pipe that increases its pressure. By the time the water reaches the turbine, it generates a movement similar to that of a propeller on an airplane or a fan, and then it allows the water used to follow its natural riverine course.
Once the turbine manages to move at sufficient speed it generates an energy called mechanical energy, but it is not until this energy goes through a generator that the energy can be converted into electrical energy. Once the energy is transformed, it is transported by high voltage towers, and it reaches each home via light poles or sometimes through underground wiring, thus providing each person access to all the uses allowed by electrical energy, such as: heating water, oven, the computer, and everything that lights your home.