4. Reach non-interconnected areas:
Through the 100 % Cundinamarca project we are tackling the universalization of energy in this department’s municipalities by undertaking energy projects in geographically isolated rural areas that are difficult to access and have higly dispersed users. In 2017, 100% Cundinamarca program benefited 773 families with an investment budget of $ 9,250 million pesos. Additionally, projects to build new infrastructure and expansion were presented before the public support funds for rural energy supply, that is FAER and SGR, in order to reach a total of 397 users, and it has a value amounting to $ 4,700 million pesos.
Additionally, we have furthered two proof of concept projects that seek to bring energy to the most remote areas of our country not connected to the SIN (National Interconnected System). The first of these contemplates the individual solutions, and the second was the installation of a Minigrid in the Paratebueno area, which is the first project for the generation and distribution of renewable energy in this municipality, through which 20 families that previously did not have electricity service in their homes can benefit.
5. Smart Measurement, an opportunity for our customers
We continue to transform the country technologically through intelligent measurement. During 2017, 1996 smart meters were installed in Bogotá and in some municipalities of Cundinamarca, in order to continue with the operational and social project initiated in 2016 of bringing smart metering to customers, and reaching a total of 42,485 installed meters.
By changing to smart metering we have been able to perform remote reading operations, and increase the effectiveness of reading the meters to 89.5%, and we have delivered information about efficient energy use to more than 37,432 clients, through a monthly report that details the days with the most consumption, weekly average consumption and a comparison with neighbors.
6. Digitization of our processes:
We continue to lead technological transformation in the energy distribution business through the implementation of new technologies in our networks, processes and operations, with the main goal of digitizing and simplifying processes, focused on the client and finally offer the city and the region new development opportunities.
Our digitization project includes the measurement and comparison of the digitization level of 27 key processes, redesigning these processes towards business digitization and the review of the organizational and operational model in order to maximize benefits. The pillars of this technological transformation process are the disruptive efficiency, the management of the data-oriented networks, focusing on the client and implanting new agile methodologies into our organizational culture.