Also, with the aim continuously strengthening relations with our customers, our investment plans for the next three years in the amount of $ 238 M€, involve the improvement of the power service in Bogotá and Cundinamarca, and the funding of digitization projects (information and technology evolution), public lighting, servicing new connections and technologies that promptly detect energy theft, among others.
Innovation and Technology
In order to retain our leadership in the Colombian market, we will continue to focus on consolidating our service model by anticipating the needs of our clients, improving time compliance when customers request services, and investing in order to improve the network and our electrical infrastructure.
In this way we ensure regional coordination for the first time, and we can count on the active participation of global experts who transfer experience from Europe for the application of Machine Learning models in SAS. In order to guarantee each market’s particularities, we create the tools and work methodologies that improve data mining models that allow us to make data based timely decisions. We also innovate by using drones in Cundinamarca in order to reduce our workers’ physical efforts, reduce accidents and increase work performance.
Urban and rural development projects
One of the main benefits for customers is the contribution to the city’s beautification, the construction of infrastructure that is harmonized with urban planning and including the country’s non-interconnected areas. In 2017, two pilot projects took place (Individual Solutions and Minigrid Paratebueno), oriented to energize those non-interconnected areas of Colombia. "Minigrid Off Grid", provides service to a community of 20 families located in the Vereda Buena Vista of the Municipality of Paratebueno, Department of Cundinamarca. The system optimizes the use of non-conventional renewable energies, which guarantee a reliable service for 24 hours a day. Minigrid is framed within the 100% Cundinamarca Project, with the main objective of achieving electrical coverage for all families in the region in a period of four years.
Open to the future
Enel Colombia Group companies in Colombia are committed to open energy to more people, more technologies, and new uses, in order to ensure sustainable development. Taking advantage of electric power as a renewable and environmentally friendly resource, we execute actions aimed at promoting electric mobility in the country, through the implementation of innovative projects such as the electric taxis pilot project that achieved savings in emissions that exceeded 1,150 tons of CO2 in the last year of operation.
Likewise, we think photovoltaic energy is the alternative to other primary sources of energy, for this reason we signed an agreement with Hybrytec SAS, a specialist in installing photovoltaic solutions.
On the other hand, Enel Colombia brought the most modern intelligent measurement technology to the country, giving way to the digitization of our networks, an indispensable condition to help Bogota become the first smart city in the country. With this new technology, customers will be able to better manage the resource and take up better consumption habits.
In addition, because we are committed to new forms of mobility, we are anticipating the arrival of the elevated metro rail to Bogota. Currently, we participate in two stages of the project:
With a view towards mitigating the risk of interrupting the construction work on the train’s elevated platform; the main public utility network that interferes with the train’s layout must be removed, moved and sometimes replaced in advance, and we have already identified 6 points of interference:
In the same manner, with the purpose of powering the train electrically, we will build 3 High and Medium Voltage Main Substations, as well as 9 Medium Voltage Traction Substations.
Committed to service
Our customers are our companies main engine and that is why a fundamental pillar in our raison d'être is to correctly service their needs. As a main objective of customer service, we have decreed creating a memorable experience for users through our customer service channels. To achieve this, strategic changes have been made in the contact stages of the processes, along with investments in infrastructures. Both are actions that strengthen the relationship with customers and users.
During the last year, important investments were made to optimize our value promise. The commissioning of new "Service Monitoring Center," created with the objective of improving service times and quality, will allow us to monitor, measure and manage the analysts’ productivity in real time in the company’s different client service channels.
Also, the acquisition and provisioning of two mobile service centers, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment necessary to handle any face-to-face procedures or requests in a timely manner in Bogotá, the Sabana de Bogotá, Cundinamarca and in areas where there are no service centers or service points.
We sell a portfolio of solutions with a value offer
For our company, energy is a key input for generating new opportunities, creating competitive advantages and accompanying a development process that leads to an increasingly sustainable future.
We focus on being a comprehensive company, which can impact the lives of organizations and people, with a portfolio of products and services that is not limited solely to the use of energy. For years, we have consolidated our offer with the purpose of providing solutions from projects such as electric mobility, clean energies, insurance portfolio, smartphones, and appliance repairs, among others.