Energy conservation
This initiative is aimed at generating innovative educational spaces. Through Divercity, we seek to contribute to the education of boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 13, through recreational entertainment activities about the generation, transformation and distribution of electrical energy, as well as basic prevention and rational use concepts reagarding the electric power.
This initiative is framed within the Shared Value Creation Plan of the Gran Sabana Substation project, and is leveraged by the industrial sector, and in its initial stage focuses on modernizing the lighting and common areas of Industrial Parks located in the municipality of Tocancipa - Cundinamarca.
In partnership with the Litros de Luz Colombia Foundation, we recover community public spaces through the installation of photovoltaic lighting solutions and the training of the communities in their assembly and maintenance. With this initiative we provide security conditions in our operations, we create a sense of appropriation of the infrastructure installed to the inhabitants of the community, and we make known this type of renewable energy.