Scheduled Maintenance

During the conjuncture of the Coronavirus, the maintenance that we will carry out in Bogota and Cundinamarca are only those that we identify as essential and vital for the proper functioning of the network, ensuring that each home has a good energy service.


For the execution of these works we sometimes have to enter the buildings and condominiums. We appreciate your collaboration and understand your concern, that's why our workers are taking all the safety and prevention measures.

You can check the identity of our workers by calling 7 115 115 in Bogota or 5 115 115 in Cundinamarca.

Scheduled Maintenance

Every day we work to bring you the best service, for this reason we carry out maintenance throughout the city to guarantee the best quality. In the following map you can identify the areas that are affected by scheduled maintenance work and the expected time to restore the service. The information is updated every 30 minutes.